Mr. Adnan Oktar's opinion regarding events in Kobane

2014-10-15 18

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated October 07th, 2014

Turkey is going through a stage at the moment. Irreligion can never be strong. And it can never be permanent. For example, the life span of the antichrist will be 40 years at most. That is reported in the hadiths. It was the same with Pharaoh and Nimrod.  But Islam has been alive and well for 1400 years. And see how many devilish ideas have appeared since the time of the Messenger of God (pbuh). But they are all history. There have been various kinds of movements of the antichrist, not just one or just 10. But they have all faded away. The PKK (separatist terror organization in Turkey) is another movement of the antichrist. It, too, will fade away. The system of the antichrist has been created to be destroyed since it first came into being. That is the destiny of the system of the antichrist. Its birth and death are created together. We are now watching the death throes of the system of the antichrist. That is why they are wriggling about so. Some people want Turkish troops to go and fight in Kobane. ‘You go and fight, then.’ If you plunge Turkish troops into the heart of the war, that will ruin the nation. The PKK wants to involve Turkey in a new war, to involve it in the war in some way. Turkey will not enter the war. We have no business with the fighting. We have no business with Kobane. If anyone goes into Kobane, it should be the U.N. It is illogical for the U.N. to say that Turkey should go into Kobane. That is the U.N.’s duty. The U.N. is saying its own soldiers are too valuable. In that case, Turkish soldiers are many times over more valuable. American troops are afraid to enter the region, NATO troops are afraid to go to the region. They say the answer is for Turkish troops to go in. The PKK are also afraid to go in. Their leaders say they will not be leaving their caves. Yet members of the PKK are throwing stones at the police in various Turkish cities, starting fires and burning public buses. They find it easy to do that. They see no obstacle to it. They could not do what they are doing in Iran though. The Iranian government would respond to such aggressors in an appropriate manner. But they are rampaging around like these because of Turkey’s moderate attitude, and will continue to do so. They have been unbelievably spoiled. My brother, why should Turkish troops go into Kobane when NATO and European troops are not going in? Europe used to back the PKK, but they are not coming to the region now. European countries are part of NATO, but they are not going in. They are afraid. American troops are completely unwilling to go. But they say they will support Turkish troops if they go in. What business do Turkish troops have there?  

Maybe, if the PKK were to withdraw entirely from the region, if Kobane were completely evacuated, then maybe Turkey might consider looking at Kobane as a guarantor in the area in terms of safe-zone. We might say, ‘Our Kurdish brothers are in this region. The PKK no longer has any force in the area. We will protect the people.’ But they cannot tell us to ‘Go and fight ISIS.’ If they get their way, Turkish troops will die and we will be involved in fighting against ISIS. Such conflict could only benefit the PKK. We will never take part in such conflict. But if the PKK disappears entirely from the region, then we could ensure the safety of the people of Kobane. But the PKK must not move a step into the area. It is only possible on that condition. The PKK want us to start fighting ISIS where they are hiding out with their weapons to kill Turkish troops.