Spanish Comedy Club Charges Patrons Per Laugh

2014-10-14 12

In an attempt to garner large audiences, a comedy club in Barcelona lets patrons pay-per-laugh.

At a comedy club in Spain, patrons only pay if they laugh.

This new approach has been working well for the club in Barcelona, who says it's been a success.

The club teamed up with an ad agency to install tablets containing facial recognition software to the back of seats.

The software is able to detect when the person facing it is laughing.

While effective in other industries, such as law enforcement and education, this is the first time it's being used for audience tracking.

Credit card companies are looking at the software as a new payment method as well.

It costs patrons 38 cents per laugh, with the maximum amount anyone has to pay is $30.45. This amounts to 80 paid laughs, with the rest being free.

It's been reported that the new technology has helped with sales, and prices are up $7.58.

Other clubs in Spain are looking to install the tablets as well.