The World Health Organisation has warned there could be up to 10,000 new cases of Ebola emerging every week in West Africa by December, unless the international community does more to help.
The WHO also confirmed the death rate is now at 70 percent, not 50 percent as previously estimated.
Director general, Bruce Aylward said: “It’s 8,914 cases are the number today. We will go over 9,000 cases this week.The disease continues to expand geographically. There are more districts, counties and prefectures that actually have the disease than there would have been a month ago and it’s happening in all three countries”.
The death toll has now reached more than 4,400 people, with Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea the worst affected.
Medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) says despite promises of help they have received very little assistance on the ground. Nine of the aid agency’s health workers have already died and more are infected.