Three Drunks Heckle: Helping Johnny Remember (1956)

2014-10-14 24

In the last riff we made months ago at Rocco's house, we're introduced to Johnny. He's a complete lunkhead who hardly manages to speak throughout the first four-ish minutes of the film. Unfortunately, by the time the story really picks up, we lose track of it in our drunken rambling. Whoops! This isn't so much a riff as it is a conversation between three tipsy friends.

WARNING: Every riff is entirely improvised, typically after the riffers have consumed copious amounts of alcohol (not every time). There will be occasional coarse language and plenty of lame jokes. So, we go for the low-hanging fruit a lot, and even then, we fall flat sometimes. Oh, and we don't own anything other than an old computer and some (legal, store-bought copies of) movies, so please don't sue us!