How to Help your baby's development 4-8 months

2014-10-14 27

Here are a few simple things you can do to help your baby

Sometimes babies will cry because something is making them uncomfortable – such as their nappy is wet, or they’re hungry, Your baby will feel comfortable and safe when you respond and he learns to trust you and rely on you Comfort your baby during this time. You can’t spoil your baby too much by picking him up, cuddling him and talking in a soothing voice.
Playing together helps you and your baby get to know each other and also helps them feel loved and secure. Sing, read books, do tummy time
When your baby sees you smile chemicals are released in their body that make them feel happy and safe. Smiling helps their brain grow and plays a part in the attachment process.
When you talk or listen, look your baby in the eye and make facial expressions. This helps them learn the connection between words and feelings and the basics of language and communication
Do things in a similar order each day – feed, play, sleep. Routine helps your baby feel safe and secure.
It is time to baby proof your home for your baby to move about in. You’ll be surprised how far they might roll or what they can reach, even at this age.
How to Help Your Baby’s Development – 4 to 8 Months: