Vitamin D Deficiency and Lupus – Study Reveals Relationship of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Vitamin D

2014-10-14 71 Lupus, also known as Systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE, is an autoimmune connective tissue disease that can affect any part of the body. Because it is a systemic autoimmune disease, it attacks the cells and tissues of the body, which results in tissue damage and inflammation. Most often, lupus harms the joints, skin, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, blood vessels and nervous system. The course of lupus is unpredictable, which includes a period of flares alternating with remissions. Lupus is nine times more popular in women than in men. Women who are in childbearing ages and non-European descent are mostly prone to lupus. Unfortunately, there is no cure for lupus. It can be fatal and is one of the leading causes of death from cardiovascular disease. Because it is incurable, alternative treatments are always being sought. A research study conducted at the University of Oklahoma reveals an effective prevention and treatment. Researchers discovered that Vitamin D levels among lupus patients directly relates to the severity of the disease. Moreover, the results indicated that people with low D levels are more prone to developing lupus than those with high D levels. Furthermore, researchers noticed that a destructive inflammatory marker was prominent in Vitamin D deficient lupus patients compare to those with high levels. The complete result of the research study was published by Dr. Lauren Ritterhouse and her team. From the paper that was published by Dr. Ritterhouse, it is clear that Vitamin D deficiency among lupus patients should be treated. Repletion with Vitamin D should be considered because of their observation. The research study focused on establishing a relationship of Vitamin d levels to SLE development. Both low levels and high D levels SLE patients were observed and found evidence of early lupus development among Vitamin D deficient…