Texas health care worker who looked after Ebola victim tests positive

2014-10-13 3

A health care worker in the US who looked after an Ebola patient who later died has now tested positive in a preliminary test.

That announcement from Texas health officials, who say further testing is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

They say the worker had looked after Liberian man Thomas Duncan, who became the US’s first Ebola fatality.

The worker reported a slight fever on Friday night and was isolated and referred for testing.

Health officials say they were prepared for the possibility of another case and possible contacts with the new patient are now being traced.

This as JFK airport in New York began stepping up the screening of travellers, with the US vowing to do more to prevent an Ebola outbreak.

“It is worth it,” said a Nigerian man at JFK. “Whatever you can do to prevent something drastic is worth it. Any inconvenience we go through, it will be worth it, for safety.”

A man returning from Cambodia said: “I don’t see why there would be any issues at all with that