Furry and feathered animals flock to mass in Peru

2014-10-13 5

From feathers to fur, animals of all shapes and sizes are sporting their Sunday best as they attend mass in Lima.

They're taking park in the annual "Blessing of the Animals" mass in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

Attending Sunday's mass: Dogs, cats, canaries and even a pet ferret and hamster.

Priest Roberto Carpio says animals are God's creation, and deserve to be blessed.


"People who have feelings and understand the importance of an animal bring them here to be blessed because they also understand that it is one of God's creatures."

Pope Francis took his papal name in reference to the 13th century saint who loved nature.

The blessing is once-a-year treat for Catholic animal lovers in Peru.

Holy water from a bucket is all that's needed.