Harvard Students Identify The United States As Bigger Peace Threat Than ISIS

2014-10-09 32

When asked if they think whether the United States or ISIS poses the greatest threat to world peace, several Harvard students said that the US is the greater menace.

Several Harvard students were asked by a reporter for Campus Reform which of the two they think is the bigger threat to world peace: the United States or ISIS.

All that are featured in the YouTube video of the poll identified the US as the greater menace of the two.

The reasoning behind their responses varied.

One pointed out that America’s decisions have a greater impact on world events.

Another said that destabilization in the Middle East in general is a result of the United States protecting its oil interests.

Some went a bit further and expressed their feelings that the Islamic State itself was brought about by US actions.

Said one, “As a western civilization, we are to blame for a lot of the problems that we are facing now. I don’t think anyone would argue that we didn’t create the problem of ISIS ourselves.”

Among those who took a more neutral stance on the matter was a student who cited mutual cultural misunderstandings as a factor.

That person said, “They have a skewed view of us, just as we have a skewed view of them.”