"The Imitation Game," a biopic about a British mathematician and World War Two code-breaker, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, opened the BFI London Film Festival on Wednesday (October 8).
In the movie, Cumberbatch plays a brilliant mathematician who breaks the Germans' Enigma code, helping to bring the war to an end.
There is already plenty of awards season buzz around the movie, which won a large round of applause from journalists and critics after its first festival screening, with talk that Cumberbatch's turn as the troubled math genius may win him a best actor Oscar nomination.
SOUNDBITE Benedict Cumberbatch saying (English):
"I am working quite hard at the moment so I am not paying any attention to that. But what's thrilling about any attention on this film or my performance is hopefully it'll bring people to the story."
The pair starred together in the 2007 World War 2 movie, "Atonement."
'The Imitation Game' opens in the UK o