STORY: Austrian Conchita Wurst, the 2014 winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, performed outside the European Parliament on Wednesday (October 8) in support of a continent-wide fight against homophobia.
Members of the European Parliament from five different political groups invited the singer to perform in support of a report passed in February that calls for an EU roadmap against homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation.
European Parliament Vice-President and Austrian Green MEP Ulrike Lunacek drafted the report, and also organized Wednesday's event as part of her campaign to protect the rights of the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bi Trans) community within member states.
Wurst, who is popularly known as the "bearded lady," stressed the need to prevent discrimination against same-sex partnerships in a news conference that accompanied her performance.
"The right to love who you want is such a human thing. And everybod