How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Promote Faster Hair Growth

2014-10-08 169 Poor nutrition can make hair dull, lifeless and affect its healthy growth. Dietitians and professional hairdressers suggest that having a good diet can improve the quality of your hair. And, nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids can can make an impactful difference in promoting a beautiful head of hair. Based on clinical tests, around 50-100 strands of hair fall out daily. However, they’re replaced because the follicles do their job. If you experience a high rate of hair loss, it can indicate a problem. Excessive hair loss causes balding or visible hair thinning, which is called alopecia. Many of the problems in modern society can be attributed to poor nutrition. And, omega 3 fatty acids is essential to maintaining healthy hair. In fact, healthy hair can be compared to a healthy garden. If you want your garden to produce beautiful plants and flowers, then you need to maintain the soil underneath. Thus, you must improve your diet and ensure that it contains the right amount and balance of nutrients and fatty acids, particularly Omega 3. Omega 3, which can be found in fish, nuts and oils is well-known to have hair-growing properties. In various studies conducted throughout medical institutions, it was concluded that Omega 3 is great for the promotion of fast hair growth. It was also shown to help hair become healthy and nourishes it from the inside, feeding the follicles to fuel growth and shine. We hope that you've enjoyed this video from PacificCoast NutriLabs about the power of omega 3 and obtaining your health goals. As a special limited time opportunity, we want to offer you 50% off on our PLATINUM Series Fish Oil Omega 3, Which is backed by 100% Money Back Best Health Guarantee. All you have to do is go to and use promo code HUGEDEAL at checkout! If you want to learn more about fish oil health benefits,…