THE INTERVIEW - Mary Robinson, UN special envoy for climate change

2014-10-08 4

UN Special Envoy for Climate Change Mary Robinson thinks countries have learned from the failed 2009 UN climate change conference in Copenhagen, where a weak non-binding agreement was reached. At the UN's New York climate summit held in September, she saw goodwill and encouraging signs. "I do think the countries are far more aware that we need a binding agreement", she tells France's 24 Marc Perelman.

Member states will meet again in Peru in December for another round of negotiations, before gathering next year in Paris to sign a new climate change agreement. "We are going to have a draft text in Lima at the conference in Peru this December and a whole year for negotiations - that's very different from Copenhagen". But even if she's optimistic about the future conference's outcome, she regrets that "countries  committed, but not enough, to the Green Climate Fund". Indeed, this money is important to help emerging countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect themselves against the effects of climate change.

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