8 Conservative Ebola Freakouts That Blamed Obama (1)

2014-10-08 56

Conservatives aren't sure what to make of a single case of Ebola coming to American shores last week. But they are quite certain that they can't trust what President Barack Obama or any other liberal elites tell them or do about it.

The lines of thought range widely. Is the scientifically verified claim that Eloba cannot be transmitted through the air a "canard"? Is the government so inept that it can't contain Ebola now that it's here? Is Obama's refusal to issue some kind of comprehensive travel ban for the African countries where the current Ebola epidemic started an indictment of liberal dreams of diversity and political correctness? These and more have made appearances on the right in recent days and weeks.

But the one common thread is that -- one way or another -- Obama and company have clearly done something wrong. Or they will.

Mike Huckabee: "I just don't believe them anymore"

"I'm feeling a little sick myself. But it's not Ebola. I'm just sick of a government that I'm paying for telling me not to worry and just trust them," former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Saturday on his Fox News show, via Media Matters. "I wish I could, but if they repeatedly lie to me I just don't believe them anymore."
read full post: http://hocdethi.blogspot.com/2014/10/8-conservative-ebola-freakouts-that.html