Womb transplant baby brings joy for parents and hope for many

2014-10-07 1

The parents of Vincent, the first womb-transplant baby, have expressed their delight and hope that the innovative surgery will help others to start a family.

The 36-year-old mother was born without a uterus and was told from an early age she could not have children: “It’s fantastic, it’s a fantastic feeling. I really felt like a mother the first time so, even if I had years and years of sorrow and loss of hope, at the first touch and when I saw my baby I just felt as a mother,” she said.

She took part in a clinical trial at the University of Gothenburg and Stockholm, in Sweden.

The project leader Dr Mats Brannstrom believes the technique will offer assistance to thousands: “It’s a great feeling, but of course the biggest reward is actually seeing the patients – the new happy family and seeing the baby and also knowing that we have found a treatment for thousands of women who can not become mothers at this stage.”

The uterus was donated by a 61-year-old family friend after the couple expressed an “enormous desire” to have a child.