Sigla of the 66th Festival del film Locarno

2014-10-06 2


l a s i g l a d e l F e s t i v a l

The new "Festival leit-motif" also known as LICHT | TON, the light of sound, based on a literal translation of Licht light – Ton sound, is a visual tribute to the soundtrack, or optical sound, that on 35mm films runs alongside the picture frames.
With this project Carlo Chatrian offers a way to highlight the sound dimension of films that have screened at Locarno, which he considers of major importance to the Festival’s history, and likewise in terms of his own cinematographic trajectory.
An encounter with evocative sonorities on first viewing, the whole gradually reveals itself through linguistic comprehension, real or hypothesized, of the chosen extracts; other suggestive pirouettes emerge from the music composed by Giovanni Venosta. Sound liberates itself from image, telling other film histories.

LICHT | TON La Sigla del Festival

created by Patricia Boillat & Elena Gugliuzza | La Boite Visual Art

sound mix Rolf Büttikofer

music Giovanni Venosta
music mix Massimo Mariani

production La Boite Visual Art

© 2013 Festival del film Locarno

duration 1'28''
image DCP | color | 1:1,77
audio 5.1