Sandy shares her experience after undergoing Energy healing therapy by Mahendra Trivedi (Guruji). She explains how The Trivedi Effect has transformed her and her daughter’s life. It has helped her daughter to recover from cervix cancer which was more than a blessing for her family.
Mahendra Trivedi is well known throughout the world for his unique ability to transmit an extremely powerful and divine form of energy called The Trivedi Effect. The Trivedi Effect is a natural phenomenon that exists within our universe. This Intelligent and all-embracing energy is harnessed by Mr. Mahendra Trivedi and Trivedi Masters. The Trivedi Effect is universal, all-encompassing and omnipotent. It has been scientifically proven to beneficially evolve, enhance and transform all things into a state of optimal existence. Mr. Mahendra Trivedi’s mission is to release the inherent health, vitality and Divine potential found in all forms of creation with the help of The Trivedi Effect.
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