Mother of Ebola-stricken cameraman will rest only when he's back home

2014-10-03 12


The mother of the American freelance cameraman who tested positive for Ebola while on assignment in Liberia said she is feeling fear and anxiety since she's learned of her son's diagnosis.

Diane Mukpo identified her son, Ashoka Mukpo, as the cameraman, who is the fifth U.S. citizen and first journalist known to have contracted the virus in West Africa. He was working for NBC News, which declined to reveal his name.

The 33-year-old cameraman and writer, who has worked in Liberia for the past three years and has covered the recent Ebola outbreak for various U.S. media outlets, will be flown back to the United States for treatment, NBC said in an online report.

He began experiencing symptoms on Wednesday that included aches and fatigue, the network said.

He was hired on Tuesday to serve as a second cameraman for NBC News chief medical editor and correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman, who has been with three other network employee