One Direction Concert Proposal With The Help From Harry Styles

2014-10-02 478

If you’ve ever been to a One Direction concert, then you know what it’s like for your heart to skip a beat from all of the love in the air at the show. Well it looks like one Directioner took things a step further, and made one of this week’s concerts a night his fiancee will never forget.

Harry Styles helped out one lucky fan, Bradley, by calling his name out on stage. When the cameras turned to Bradley, he got down onto one knee, and gave his girlfriend the proposal that all Directioners hope to receive one day.

We are still in awe that Bradley was able to organize something as amazing as this. Seriously, how many girls can say that Harry Styles was involved in their proposal?

Do you think Harry is going to get an invite to their wedding? Could you imagine if he was named Bradley’s best man? Most perfect wedding ever! Tell us what you think of the 1D wedding proposal in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe!