Copper arrests hospital infections

2014-10-01 33

Researchers have been working for many years with anti-bacterial properties of copper, especially for hospital-born diseases.

In Santiago, Chile, a children’s burns unit is using medical garb made from a special copper-infused material developed by Chilean researchers that limits the spread of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Its developers say it could make hospitals around the world safer and cleaner for both patients and doctors.

Luis Amestca, Copper Andino’s general manager, explained: “When bacteria come into contact with copper, the copper sends out ions and these copper ions are what penetrate the cell walls. It changes the metabolic processes in the bacteria, killing them.”

The material, known as InCopper, was developed by the Chilean company, Copper Andino. Copper Andino says the fabric can replace hospital caps, shoe covers, gowns, pillowcases and other items made from traditional non-woven fabrics.

The company’s website claims InCopper helps remove more than 90 percent of fungi, bacteria and viruses that come into contact with the material. It could be an important step forward in fighting hospital-born diseases.