Years ago I had stated that radicalism would grow as a threat. ISIS can only stop by the system of Mahdi.

2014-10-01 2

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated September 12,13,14 th, 2014

Slaughtering, killings exists in all the jurisprudential schools [of Islam]. On what grounds can they [members of these schools] be in conflict with ISIS? People who don’t pray regularly are killed in the Shafi’i sect . One who does not fast and give alms is killed. Someone who does not perform only the slightest command is considered an apostate [murtad]. So what is the point of conflict between ISIS and schools of traditional Islam? ISIS will ask them ‘on which matters do you not agree with us?’.  Let us take a look at [hadith] books. Both sides refer to hadith books. And these hadith collections tell them clearly how to slaughter and butcher.

There is no other way than to struggle them with the right conception.

They push the world down into more aggressive, ferocious and blood systems day by day. Some pro-violence Evangelics are mistaken. While expanding the source of the scourge, they bring more touble upon themselves. They become arrogant by ignoring to think what might befall on them. They might become unable to travel in the world. They should pull themselves together. Americans are generally sensible people. But there are some with blurred minds and these people are not aware of what they are saying. They can not estimate where the events are leading. 

When they admit to solution by intellectual struggle, only then they can bear results. Let us prepare a letter to the US telling them about these facts. In the wake of military action with air-strikes and ground attacks they will make the world unable for us to dwell. This is a very risky and dangerous method.


ISIS is a huge trend growing like a snowball. They can not stop that. The world will watch this predicament getting bigger each and every day. I have told this years beforehand, that there will be a tragic radical movement and that they will be bound to agree to the system of Mahdi. It is happening right now just as I have said.

-Teacher, people called on Hazrat Dhul-Qarnayn for help when they were bound to do so, is that right?

Adnan Oktar: Yes. They say to him ‘O Dhul-Qarnayn, Gog and Magog incite anarchy and create trouble in the face of the earth, save us’. He is the leader of that era, that is to say, the Mahdi of that time. He accepts those calls. It is the system of Mahdi narrated in that story in the Quran. It is an event that will be put into practice.


If there were a meeting with the leaders of ISIS instead of bombing them, we could participate and tell them the truth.

They insistently refrain from intellectual struggle. And they do not show any reason for their action. They do not say we don’t want any intellectual struggle because of so and so. Call on the leading men of ISIS and also call on the Islamic scholars, let us come too. Let us demolish their ideas utterly. They are being dishonest and insincere. There is no butchering of men in Islam. God tells explicitly in the verse that there is no compulsion in Islam. What else there is to say on top of that? What does ‘no compulsion’ means?  You can not interfere in somebody else’s belief. ISIS says ‘I will make a Muslim by force’. Are you out of your minds? They tell to oppressed Yazidis ‘we will slaughter you’. It is none of your business what they believe in. This is grave immorality and oppression.

Our letter for solution against ISIS is ready, we have translated it into English and send it [to the world leaders] insha’Allah