What is the Connection Between Food and Intimacy - Emily Rosen

2014-09-30 1

Eating is one of the most intimate acts that there is! It's so very personal, and each one of us is quite unique in how and what we eat. As it turns out, many of our eating challenges are connected to our ability - or inability - to find the kind of intimacy that we truly seek.

When we aren't getting the intimacy we want in relationship, marriage, love, or partnership - it's easy and even natural to turn to food. The link between emotional eating and our search for intimacy is a fascinating one.

Join in as Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating delivers some great insights on the food and intimacy connection. If you find yourself faced with emotional eating, binge eating, or overeating, we think you'll have a whole new outlook and a way to better transform your relationship with food.
