Plaster station. Plastering machine

2014-09-29 382
+7 911 264 21 73 (Russian)
+7 921 962 50 49 (English)
Robot plasterer PlasteRUS Spero 2. Plaster station. Plastering machine. Putty machine. Flow mixers. Trowel. Grinder. Plaster electromechanical lighthouse PlasteRUS. Plastering. Plastered walls and plastering allows fasadov.Avtomatizatsiya team of plasterers 3 people qualitatively plaster up to 300 m2 of surface per day. Maximum capacity of plastering work is achieved using the robot together with a plasterer plastering as a mixer and grouting. Sales, rentals, training, repair and service.! Full description, photos, videos and prices on the website