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SWORD ART ONLINE 2 OP ( ソードアート・オンライン 2) - "IGNITE" - {PIANO COVER}

2014-09-26 3

Updates to arrangements, plans and thoughts:
Sheets: coming very soon!
mp3: coming very soon!

I really like the opening because the chords and the chorus in general are so catchy. Because of it's tempo the song was also even more challenging to arrange and play than anime OP's are normally. I just did a little recording session and then I hit the point when I thought "Fuck this shit I am gonna take the next try and upload it" xD
I learned so extremly much with this arrangement and practising it.
Like practising is much easier when I cut the arrangement in different parts and practise one of them for some time over and over again and then go to the next part. This works very well to me :3!
My performance is much better when I play with my whole body. My full body is calm but moves with my emotions and playing. With this palying style I can take the power out of my body. This is very great because I can relaxe my hands now and don't have to strain them to play loudly. I guess my hands are calmer while playing now. But sometimes when parts are pretty hard to play it happens that my hands strain automatically because my brain things that it's better to strain. That's a reflex but I will learn to control it and use it whisely :b
This arrangement is all the time pretty hard so my hands aren't that calm in this video. I started another arrangement while practising my current so the time between my current arrangement and the next video won't take as long as it was between my last and current arrangement. Also because I'll try not to arrange stuff which my brain is thinking "Just what the hell!?" of xD With this next arrangement my hands are much more calm and it will also be more fun for me to play.
Btw. It's the first time I used my new Synthogy Ivory American Concert D! \(^o^)/

A performance with some Mistakes is better than a performance without Emotions.

Arrangement #6

Transcription #4
SAO 2 is just amazing! It's much better than the first season in my opinion. Furthermore sinon is a very good and deep character and I like her very much :b The animations are insane and the music is great as well. I figures some sao season 1 "swordland" remixes in the background :3 The Story with Deathgun is pretty cool and I really want to know how this is gonna end. I look forward to the upcoming episodes (currently episode 12)!
Original song: IGNITE
Original artist: Aoi Eir
Piano solo arranged & transcribed by Fannix-kun