Listeriosis is an illness caused by consuming food contaminated with the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. It’s a very serious illness and a very high proportion of the people end up in the hospital. Our law firm was recently hired to represent victims in the largest Listeria outbreak in recent U.S. history. The outbreak was linked to contaminated cantaloupe that was distributed all across the United States. People most at risk for Listeriosis include people with compromised immune systems, the elderly, new borns, and pregnant women. The CDC now warns pregnant women to avoid common carriers of Listeria such as smoked seafood, unpasteurized cheese, and deli meats. The only way to know whether you have Listeriosis or not is by a blood test or a spinal fluid test. If you think you are sickened by food poisoning please call our attorneys to schedule your free consultation.
Ron Simon & Associates
(888) 335-4901