NATO allies join Ukraine in military drill, ceasefire holds

2014-09-25 161

They're real guns, but it's not a real battle.

These Ukrainian and Bulgarian troops are participating in the "Rapid Trident" military drills in western Ukraine.

NATO allies here, including the U.S., have stopped short of military intervention in the Ukrainian crisis. But these drills are seen as a sign of their commitment.

The Ukrainian army was forced to end an offensive against the separatists and call a ceasefire on September 5.

Something Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk acknowledged on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.


"We have a very fragile, extremely fragile and shaky ceasefire. And I am extremely skeptical about this ceasefire. But what kind of options are and were on the table?"

With remnants of the fighting everywhere and tensions still high, the military drills could come in use.

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