For the past two years Irving Caplan has been confined to a wheelchair, but thanks to a robotic suit he was able to stand and give a father of the bride wedding speech.
For the past two years Irving Caplan has been confined to a wheelchair, but thanks to a robotic suit he was able to stand and give a father of the bride wedding speech.
Said Caplan, "I would have loved to walk Joanne down the aisle but that wasn’t possible. But this was the next best thing and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house…standing up I got the right perspective on the world - the one I had seen for most of my life.”
In October of 2012 he was cycling to work in north London when he collided with a large, nonmoving truck.
He suffered three broken vertebrae and the accident left him paralyzed from the neck down.
The suit that allowed him to give the speech in the manner he preferred is called a Rex Bionics exoskeleton.
It operates via 10 high-speed actuators, nearly 30 microprocessors, and a joystick.
Being able to use it effectively took some preparation.
In advance of the big day he practiced maneuvering the suit while someone stood behind him to make sure everything went smoothly.