Maryam Rajavi: Justice prevailed; collaboration to demonize defeated; and legitimacy of Iranian Resistance proved

2014-09-22 20

Paris, France - On Tuesday, September 16, the counterterrorism investigative judge of Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office ordered an end to prosecution of an infamous dossier that had been opened 14 years ago against the Iranian Resistance in a deal with the mullahs’ regime and permanently closed the file.
Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the decision by the French judiciary as the victory of justice and resistance over collaboration and making deals, a defeat of the demonizing campaign, and an acknowledgement of the legitimacy of the resistance against the religious fascism, and said: From the outset, this infamous dossier was the by-product of a disgraceful collaboration with the rel igious fascism ruling Iran aimed at “destroying” the just and democratic resistance of the Iranian people for toppling the clerical regime that is the godfather of terrorism and fundamentalism in our world today.