New Mississippi Alligator Catch Record Set

2014-09-19 1

The alligator brought in by Saergent Jesse Phillips weighed nearly 800 pounds and measured over 13 feet long, making it the largest male ever caught in Mississippi.

The jaws of an alligator are among the strongest and most inescapable in the world. They don’t typically go after humans, but if they’re bothered by one they’ll launch a full on attack.

And yet, some people seek them out and provoke them on purpose.

One such group recently captured a gator and set a new Mississippi state record.

The big reptile brought in by Marine Sergeant Jesse Phillips and a few of his friends weighed nearly 800 pounds and measured over 13 feet long.

That makes it the largest male alligator ever caught there.

Like fishermen, the large reptile hunters use rods, reels, and hooks.

The difference is those tools are used to restrain the gator’s body rather than its head allowing it to be wrestled into submission and onto the boat.

Phillips said they broke a rod and numerous hooks in the process.

While their accomplishment is impressive and they did set a Mississippi record, it pales a bit in comparison to the catch made not long ago by a woman in Alabama.

The gator she brought in weighed over a thousand pounds and was 15 feet long.