Backlinks Wizard - Comments Generator Section - fill in three textboxes with info about the blog post you wish to leave a comment and backlink

2014-09-19 10

Comments Generator Section of Comments Backlink Wizard™

[2] Fill in the Textbox with Blog Details

Fill in program textboxes with more details about the blog you are about to comment on.

This part is the key to showing the blog or site owner (and other visitors) you actually read the page and provide valuable content and feedback about the page.

This is what will prevent your comment from being tagged as spam and being deleted.

[1] Enter reason why you feel this way about the blog post. If you selected interesting for your overall feelings about the page fill in this textbox with a little bit of an elaboration as to why you found the blog post interesting.

[2] Enter what you like best about the page. This acts as a compliment to the writer of the blog post or web page and further proves you actually read the page and gave it a little thought.

[3] Enter a final thought about the blog post. This can be either a suggestion for an improvement in the page or an overall thought or feeling about the topic in general.