A Little About Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

2014-09-18 11

If you want to get out of depression, there are things that can be done but it needs you to be strong and determined. You need to focus on your goal and not be distracted or discouraged.

The first things you need to do is step back and look at the situation as if it belongs to another person to give you an objective view. Analyze the situation and know how it came about and how it could have been prevented. Then look for the solution ‘Dealing with depression’. List down the steps in paper and place it somewhere you can always see to be reminded of your goals.

Also list down the self-defeating, negative messages that you give to yourself. Assess it and honestly rate if it is really true from 0-100%. Check out the distortions of these messages.

Step back again to see it objectively. These distortions reflect aberrant thinking like all or nothing, disqualification of the positive, overgeneralization, exaggeration, doom-oriented, personalization and mislabeling to name a few. All in all, see if the messages are reasonable or not. You will find that they are more on the not. You are dealing with depression!

Learn to refuse to beat yourself up. What happened has happened and there is no going back. What you can do is go forward. Look for other ways to make the situation better and turn it into something positive.

At the same time reduce your depression by comforting yourself. Do not think of it as indulgence but conditioning for your coming battle ahead. Get a massage or spa treatment to relax and take away the stress. Take a walk along the beach and enjoy the sun and sky and revitalize your mind and soul. Take in the fresh air and supply your brain with much needed oxygen.