Motorist stops car being impounded by reversing it off tow truck

2014-09-18 4

A driver has discovered one way to stop his car from being towed away, by simply driving it off the tow truck.

The footage was taken in Walthamstow, east London, after a motorist returned to his illegally parked Vauxhall Astra to find it mid-way through being towed.

Rather than break out the ‘I was only popping into the shop to buy a paper’ excuse, this driver got a little more hands on.

He can be seen jumping in his car, putting it in reverse and letting gravity do the rest before speeding off.

The car crashes to the ground with a horrible bang, and appears to receive damage worth far more than the driver would have had to pay in tow fees.

Police said the car was not licensed to the man seen driving it, however they confirmed they will not be investigating the matter any further as it is a civil matter.

While children can be heard in the video giggling at the driver’s renegade ways, others say the incident should not be seen as a humorous one.

Waltham Forest councillor Clyde Loakes called the video ‘shocking’.

He added: ‘The man had an utter disregard for anyone on the street and what he did was extremely dangerous.’