Dragon Cinch Sunglasses Review at Surfboards.com

2014-09-17 54

Details at: http://www.surfboards.com/displayall.php?manu_id=68&cat_id=20&order_by=brandAZ&keyword=cinch&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_term=cinch

All Dragon products are designed with safety and durability in mind, and the Cinch is no exception. For example, the nylon frames are forged from the highest grade super-polymer materials known to man. These Micro-Venomite polymers unite in perfect balance to provide ultimate strength and flexibility with virtually no weight to the wearer. These sunglasses feature an 8 base curve, a 5 barrel stainless steel hinge, and rubber nose pads. And all Dragon frames are armed with their exclusive Variable Configuration Geometry (VCG) technology - a design process that gives you crystal-clear, no-distortion vision at any point of view through the lens curve.

As for the lenses, Dragon's low-molecular weight Carbon based lenses are not only optically true, they block just about anything you can throw at them, including 100% of all harmful UV and Blue Light.