Ukraine starts civil service purge in bid for quick path to EU membership

2014-09-17 14

Reactions have been mixed in Ukraine and elsewhere to the government’s ratification of its association deal with the EU.

Some are saying too high a price has been paid to the Russians who may ultimately not respect the treaty anyway. Other are furious too that it appears the Donbass may be allowed go its own way into a Russian orbit.

“The faster the EU sees that we implemented the association agreement, the faster we will get the chance to file our candidacy for full EU membership and show the EU that now that we satisfy all the criteria and according to article 49, we are eligible for EU membership,” said Prime Minister Yatsenyuk.

Another law demanded by the Maidan grassroots, without whom Ukraine’s current leadership would be out of office, was passed. This will lead to individual examinations of all one million civil servants to weed out corrupt officials.

In Russia Ukraine’s ratification was not welcomed in parliament, where several Russian MPs expressed regret that Ukraine h