Surgery Performed On Goldfish To Remove Tumor

2014-09-16 4

A goldfish named George is now recovering after receiving surgery. The small fish that calls Australia home had a tumor on its brain.

A goldfish named George is now recovering after receiving surgery. The small fish that calls Australia home had a brain tumor.

Lort Smith Animal Hospital’s Dr Tristan Rich who performed the operation, explained “George had a quite large tumour on the top of his head that was growing slowly, and it was beginning to affect his quality of life.”

George was placed under general anesthetic for the 45-minute long surgery that reportedly cost about $200.

Oxygenated pond water was pumped through George's gills to keep him alive during the ordeal. The procedure was a success and now 10-year-old George is back to happily swimming around.

Prior to the surgery, George’s owner was given the decision to either have her fish operated on or to put him to sleep. The owner considered the goldfish a loved family pet and decided the surgery was at least worth a try.

Now, George is expected to live another two decades.

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