Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated September 02nd, 2014
- Teacher Adnan, your complexion is very bright. You grow younger all the time.
Adnan Oktar: This is a blessing from God. Let there be no misunderstanding, however. Of course people’s skins wrinkle as they grow old. But a pleasantness, a softness, a radiance appears there. The wrinkling of the skin does not mean that person is weak in faith or lacking in light. Of course the skin may wrinkle as one gets older. But there is a softness and gentleness in the skin. That always remains. For example, our Prophet (pbuh) was 63 when he passed on. All his close Companions say that his face was radiant, like a child’s. They say he never lost the purity and cleanliness of childhood. The innocence of childhood was still in his face when he died. That never left his face. He used to make a black dye from plants for his hair. His hair was pitch black when he died. He used that love vegetable dye mixture together with our mother Hazrat Aisha. Our Prophet attached great importance to being fit and healthy.
Before he surrendered his soul he lifted his hand and said, “ila’r-Rafiq Al-Al-A’la” “To the Most Divine Friend”. What a fine expression. It is a miracle how he knew the hour of his death beforehand. He lifted his hand and said, “To the Most Divine Friend”. Then his hand fell back. A kind stupor develops in most people at the time of their death, and they lose their lucidity. Many people lose the power of speech. But God bestowed that grace upon him and did not place him in a state of stupor. That was a great kindness. At the last moment he said, “To the Most Divine Friend”. That was a blessing on him from God.
There was no wrinkling in the Messenger of God’s face or skin. That is very rare. But there were prophets who died at the age of 120, and there are inevitably signs of ageing in their faces. Anything else is a violation of the law of God. But the cleanliness of the skin, the purity and gentleness and softness in it all remain. That is the miracle. In the Qur’an God reveals, "…then their skins and hearts yield softly to the remembrance of God.” (39/23) That is what the light in the face refers to.