Europe and America must fight ISIS through education, not weapons

2014-09-15 35

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated September02nd, 2014

- Germany’s Chancellor Merkel has decided to send arms to the peshmerga armed forces for use in the fight against ISIS. Germany’s military assistance will equip 4000 peshmerga.

Adnan Oktar: ISIS will take all those weapons from them. It will take them less than 4 hours to round all those weapons up. It is no good fighting them with weapons. You can only do it with reason, learning, knowledge and education. They insist on this idea of guns and weaponry. It is a false logic.

- Yesterday an American news portal wrote that the PKK have to be given heavy weapons. Generally speaking, American writers are saying that the PKK should be armed, rather than the peshmergas.

Adnan Oktar: It would take ISIS just one day to rout the PKK. Then they would take all their heavy weapons. You can only fight them with knowledge and education. They must abandon this foolish policy. It is intelligence that counts in the fight. ISIS insists on a traditionalist, orthodox interpretation of Islam. What is happening will be put right when they are told the truth about the faith. The whole problem is one of getting the true facts to them. The PKK already have heavy weapons. The PKK is a communist terror organization and ISIS a fundamentalist one. Both need to be educated with the true facts. Both are on the wrong path. 

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