Hanging with Harris - Debbi Peek and Bridget Albert - Hanging with Harris - Small Screen

2016-09-08 55

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Whether he's in South Beach, Aspen, New York, LA or New Orleans, Billy Harris hangs with the best chefs, bartenders and restaurateurs in America.

Breakfast cocktails anyone? Why Not! Especially in bed with Debbi Peek and Bridget Albert. Add some feather boas and homemade jam and you have a party!reakfast cocktails anyone? Why Not! Especially in bed with Debbi Peek and Bridget Albert. Add some feather boas and homemade jam and you have a party!

Watch on Small Screen: http://www.smallscreennetwork.com/video/422/Hanging_with_Harris_Debbi_Peek_Bridget_Albert/

Check out the Hanging with Harris playlist: http://bit.ly/RHEZZU