Quality bestows beauty on life. You need taste for quality, not money

2014-09-13 21

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated August 12th, 2014

Adnan Oktar: Is there any understanding of quality in art, science or architecture [today]? No. We see what a dire state buildings and the streets are in. There is no quality in how people dress, in their speech or how they eat and drink. That is plain to see. It is very sad.

The French, for example, attach great importance to quality. The Italians value quality very highly. That scrupulousness makes them look very good. My brother, quality is the most vital thing in life. There can be no beauty without quality.

Paradise means quality right from the outset. Everywhere in paradise is high-quality. Beauty ends when quality ends. In fact, the French no longer have their old conception of quality, either. They give the impression of just living to live. But 50 or 60 years ago quality was very important to the French. Quality was vitally important to them between the 1700s and 1900s. But they have lost that of late.

There is a huge decline in quality going on among the Italians of late because of the economic crisis and because they have lost some spiritual things. But 50 or 20 years ago quality was the most important thing to them, and they really delighted in it.

Look at the clothing of those times. Look at how people dressed in Ataturk’s time. When you look at Ataturk’s ideas about dress, how ladies of the time dressed, you can see that quality was always to the fore.

Even under those difficult circumstances, when life was so impoverished, even people in the villages wore golf slacks.

But now people doing sport in the parks look wretched. People eating in public parks and gardens give an unbelievable impression of lack of quality. What kind of life is that? One can eat on the ground, but you need quality at the same time. People in Europe go on picnics, but they put on a very artistic show as they do so. Everywhere is lovely. The table cloths are lovely, the napkins are lovely, the food is lovely and their children wear lovely clothes.

Money is not essential for quality. You need sense, and taste.