Little Girls Recovering After Being Hit By Car Outside School

2014-09-12 62

Two little girls in Nashua, New Hampshire are recovering after they were hit by a vehicle outside their school. The girls are sisters and they had been with their mother at the time of the horrific accident.

Two little girls in Nashua, New Hampshire are recovering after they were hit by a vehicle outside their school. The girls are sisters and were with their mother at the time of the horrific accident.

The family was walking on the sidewalk leading to the elementary school. Their backs were turned to a vehicle that drove straight onto the walkway and plowed over the girls.

The mother was hit from behind and turned around to see the car over her children. The driver of the auto is said to be the parent of a child at the school.

Assistant Superintendent of the Nashua School District said, “It moved forward. I don't think it was a fast speed, but it moved forward faster than you would expect a car to move through the drop-off line.”

The girls were transported to the hospital for non-life threatening injuries. They’ve since been released.

Police have been able to rule out drugs and alcohol in the crash and say the woman driving the car wasn’t texting either. Investigators are looking into whether or not the vehicle has operational problems, or if the female was distracted by the two children in the backseat.

For now, everyone is thankful the girls survived.