Banking in West Africa: Standard Bank Group in Côte d'Ivoire

2014-09-10 26 Video Interview with Hervé Boyer, Country Manager of Standard Bank Côte d'Ivoire, also available here

"We bring our local African expertise. We know Africa very well. Africa is our calling card. We have a strong experience in corporate and investment banking and have operations in 20 countries. We know this region even if we did not have a physical presence. We have financed projects in countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Sierra Leon… We moved from a suitcase banking approach to a real presence with people who understand the dynamics of the market", says Hervé Boyer.

To read the full transcript of the MarcoPolis interview with Hervé Boyer, Country Manager of Standard Bank Côte d'Ivoire, visit