IV29 Emmanuel Jal - Kuar (Olof Dreijer Remix) - Kuar EP

2014-09-10 3

(low-fi version, 192kBit)

Artist: Emmanuel Jal
Remixer: Henrik Schwarz remix
Release Title: Kuar EP
Track Title: Kuar (Olof Dreijer Remix)
Label: Innervisions
Catalogue no.: IV29
Distribution: Muting The Noise
Vinyl release date: 20.09.2010
Digital release date: 04.10.2010

Vinyl available while stocks last at

Download available (among others) at
http://www.beatport.com/release/kuar-ep/286201 https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/kuar-ep/id394357718
http://www.junodownload.com/products/kuar-ep/1639331-02/ https://www.whatpeopleplay.com/albumdetails/Emmanuel-Jal-Kuar-EP/id/31040

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