Yemen: Anti-government protests leave four dead

2014-09-09 16

Yemen is on the brink of descending into outright conflict after a violence filled day of demonstrations in the capital Sanaa on Tuesday.

At least four people were reportedly killed when Yemeni soldiers opened fire on Shia Muslim protesters trying to storm the cabinet building.

Activists loyal to the Houthi religious insurgent group claimed dozens had been wounded.

They accuse Yemen’s government of corruption and have held sit-ins for weeks at ministries in an attempt to oust the current administration and restore fuel subsidies.

Protesters have also blocked the road to Sanaa airport.

Meanwhile in northern Yemen, armed Houthi rebels in al-Jawf province have been fighting government-allied tribes backed by air strikes since the weekend.

Critics of the Houthis claim they are attempting to take power and carve out a semi-independent state for itself in the north, something the group denies.

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