Ariel Power Pods Si No Te Gusta Lavar ¡Suéltalo

2014-09-08 28

Absolutely metal m/
[] E l a b o r a t e
[] EXACTLY this. I despise when people think they know everything because they saw one article, or they read one comment, or they heard one statement. The thirst for knowledge is continuous. The smartest people in the world don't think they know much at all.
[] Roughly 50% of all cancer research publications cannot be replicated in other labs.

Troubling, isn't it?
[] More like $11,000-$12,000.
[] it's legal. He earned the right.
[] Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice

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[] so, you're a terrorist.

you have access to unguarded passenger jets

do you fuck up the engine? no. you spray paint something on it

either dumbest terrorist ever or not serious threat
[] Thats cute!!
[] Sooo that's why they did it in miles from the start. They smart.
[] Me too! When I'm bursting to go and finally get to a toilet, my teeth hurt. I thought I was the only one!
[] But surely evil is as evil does; someone with propensity for nihilistic self-serving behaviour but suppresses it is good, I'd say moreso than someone with a nurturing nature who takes to it naturally.
[] I grew up in the 70's.
[] I had a woman complain to me that their was no cheese on her vegan pizza.
[] (Andrew dice clay voice) OH
[] Ha! Beautiful, thank you. It needed to be done.
[] true
[] Software development
[] Money can't buy happiness but it sure can fcking help! It eases your mind not having to worry about how you are going to pay the mortgage each month.

Most couples fight about money to some extent too. Yeah sure, rich people need therapy and have problems too. They are just different problems. I'd rather have different problems than the problems of how to get by until my next pay check.
[] Good effort.
[] Irresponsible of the owner maybe, but abusive? That cat is probably loving life and looks perfectly content. Obviously spoiled and loved.
[] the only cheap baseboard is the pine on the side of the stairs.
[] I can't guess the end.Just like I can't help laughing hahahahaha
[] ITT: some people whose reddit account won't be ever accessed again a few days from now.