Accepts The Als Ice Bucket Challenge

2014-09-08 2

Missed my exit by going an extra 20 mins out. Only noticed when suddenly I didn't recognize my surroundings anymore. Opppppssss
[]You can actually tell its going to be complete shit just from the title. Wow.
[]Till your children use them and forget where they put them
[]"Not the first choice"
[]Because it's amusing
[]Each to their own I guess, there's a great sense of achievement that comes win training for such a large event.
[]it takes soo many printed sheets to pay for a printer.
[]Reads like Oppenheimer: "I am become automation, destroyer of jobs"
[]We don't all live in Michigan
[]Was just thinking that, name?
[]That's excellent, glad you got it back :p
[]I've seen some bad shit on the internet, but I can pick what bad shit I want to watch. They can't. I feel bad for them.
[]When we ingest foreign chemicals from the environment they ultimately end up in the blood. The liver is the body's blood filter amongst other things, and if it isn't functioning properly these chemicals circulate in the blood a lot longer, causing symptoms.
[]More of a demand than a question, but still top notch customer stupidity.
Referencing insurance on her mobile phone:
"I haven't made a claim on my insurance for over 2 years, so I'd like you to refund me all my monthly payments please."

Reality bit hard, that day.
[]I applied for that job once. I don't even like jaffas.
[]That cat is unimpressed lol
[]Can't we dream (of electric sheep)?
[]I used to take pride in the UK being so integrated, we top the tables at inter-racial marriage for example. Then came the Brexit result and it emboldened people to get away with race hate crimes. Reports of them have quadrupled in some place, since the news we are leaving the EU.

Racism is always there, it just needs an excuse to get out.
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[]I was at a drive through and the guy taking my order asked if it was to have here or to go
[]Overwhelming. The 2004 tsunami that struck Indonesia created waves large enough to reach South India. I was at the beach ten minutes before the tsunami struck. When we saw the waves, we went upstairs and looked at the sheer destruction. We decide to leave in a bit, and saw the real damage and the amount of displaced people.