Rahm Emanuel On Computer Science For All Students

2014-09-08 9

Good job
I don't own a bike :c
I think it's a 0% chance.
You might be confusing the telltale game with the arkham games
I love Shakespeare.
Oooh, underrated, undervoted, unspeakable cringeyness for me with this one.

It's just so mundane and harmless and yet incredibly brow-furrowing at the same time.


503 Service Unavailable: No healthy endpoints to handle the request.

We killed the murder machine. Good job, Reddit!
the one where grandma sucks little jimmie's dick. ew, i understand that jimmy is 5, but that doesn't mean you have to give him a fucking blowjob:)))))). jeuss, chrsit!
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Dammit I was going to say that but yeah it so true. I got down voted on an ask Reddit thread because I said ratatoille was a bad movie (it was a bad movie thread) while people who said generic shit like Avatar got thousands of up votes. One commentor even said that my opinion sucks so it should be hidden https://www.reddit.com/user/ReCat
Finally, I found a friend, I finally found a friend !
Actually it's "Do you read Sutter Cane?"
I'm trying to make a bannister from an old branch that I used to make bridges between trees out of many moons ago, however someone has told me it may have some sort of infectious fungi, or dry rot or something along those lines. I was drying it out inside but it's now outside. Pictures here: https://imgur.com/gallery/Vw0Gn

Is my branch destined to die? Should I be bleaching the floor? Or is it something far less menacing?
Mr. Skeltal
Stay edgy, lil edgger
Delta million miler here. I have been a business traveler for my entire adult life. The fatigue goes away with repetition for some folks. I am basically Pavlov's flyer: I get on board, chug a bottle of water and fall asleep as soon as they pressurize the plane. I have a few coworkers who are the same way. Eventually, everything about it becomes second nature and you just get in your travel zone. Turbulence? Not awake. Delays? There is always another flight. Airport food? You know your go to's cold. Drama at the security line? That's what Precheck is for.
Roll Tide!!
Ballistic: ecks vs sever. I challenge you to find a bigger piece of shit.
I work in Carmel, IN. which is the self-proclaimed round-about capital of the world and every day I see someone do something wrong. The one that irritates me the most is when people come to a complete stop when there are no cars in the circle or even approaching. We've had round-abouts long enough now there's no excuse for being bad at them.
And you proved his point.
Was the first one good.
It's giving me the night sweats just hoping that it makes it up there in one piece. I wish they'd at least have built a spare.
Yes Gaeilge is also commonly known as Irish. It can also be called Irish Gaelic. There are 3 modern Gaelic languages left - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goidelic_languages
Most of it you can watch at 2x speed
I don't have my license (because when I drive it's about that bad) but I knew a few people who got to skip that part of the test because I grew up in a rural area and it was often hard to find a parallel parking spot.
