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2014-09-08 45

How did such a harry man have such a soft face?

5 years of shaving has left my face rugged.
What is it in Swedish? Never heard it before.
of course there's a relevant xkcd
RAMIREZ. Run downstairs, past that tank and foot soldiers, across the street, and clear the building. There's a rocket in there to take out the helicopter. Ramirez run back across the street, past the foot soldiers, across Nate's parking lot, and clear Burger Town so we can get inside!
Soooooooo cute!
I play through once every year or two. Really, really fun
I don't think this is inherently insurmountable, you just have to extend the launch sequence. G forces are product of rapid acceleration over a small timeframe, if the launch platform was very very long, the acceleration would be spread over a longer timeframe.

I'm not saying this is something that could be easily fixed by contemporary engineering, but just that its not inherently, completely insurmountable
My wife married the man I love
Not to 1 atm.
I was 4, she was 5. We held hands lots and smiled all the time. Talked about how we could play house forever, and that we'd get married someday. We kissed once. It lasted all summer, until she moved off of my street when school started.

15 years later we ran into each other, we were both all smiles and made time for each other. We both had SOs at the time, so we didn't date, but at no point was it ever cringy.
True, but I don't recall hearing of any direct conflicts? I think we did it because war was declared on us and our allies
It's actually a trucking business that my dad started. I'm just running it and putting us in the best place to survive and strive next year. Business is never predictable. If it was predictable everybody and anybody would do it. Stopping my business is not the solution to my buinsenss pro blems @Raiddinn1 but you're being brutally logical and honest and that's why I need; so thanks.
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot)

WASHINGTON - In a sharp deterioration of relations, the U.S. on Monday suspended diplomatic contacts with Russia over Syria, while Moscow halted cooperation on a joint program for disposal of weapons-grade plutonium.

The United States has accused Russia of hitting the convoy, but both Russia and Syria deny it.

"What is clear is that there is nothing more for the United States and Russia to talk about with regard to stopping the ongoing violence in Syria and that is unfortunate," he told reporters.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top keywords: Russia#1 State#2 last#3 aid#4 humanitarian#5
Think about it.... and if you don't, come and try buying one on the street in the UK, for example.
Even the book made me jump a couple of times.
This was really great.
Please-don't go back to sleep.
Look for some coffee,make a
pot,and call the police.
Also, update if you can.
I've seen these before! They seem very happy together.
Looks familiar: http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/55o6yn/obama_2008_obama_2016/
Fun fact about DOB questions. My wife works in a hospital and the reason they ask patients to say their DOB these days (instead of asking "is your DOB blah") is because a significant number of patients would just agree with whatever the nurse said. It's like their minds just go blank and they agree with the person in authority.
Hi independent, I'm Dave !
Biggest lie in modern gaming is No Man's Sky.


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