Port St Lucie Real Estate 772-353-4994 Treasure Coast Realty Team

2014-09-08 4

http://PortStLucieFLRealEstate.net (772) 353-4994
Are you tired of the PSL real estate hassle? Whether you're looking for a place to call home or selling your old house, let pro's Walter, Shirley, and Raffi at TREASURE COAST REALTY TEAM help you out! Walter Salamon P.A. - Shirley Albert P.A. - Raffi Safbio Treasure Coast Realty Team (772) 353-4994 http://PortStLucieFLRealEstate.net TEAM DESIGNATIONS: ABR, CDPE, CIPS, GRI, RSPS, TRC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcygveHOgFE http://youtu.be/LcygveHOgFE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfrFVI7j5TxGIxjSKGCTfg