Has the identity of the world’s most famous and mysterious serial killer of all time been finally revealed? The answer is yes, according to the ragtag duo of British Russell Edwards and Finnish forensics expert Dr. Jari Louhelainen. and it’s none other than Polish immigrant and salon worker Aaron Kosminski. it all boiled down to DNA evidence which was found on one of his victims’ personal belongings. Edwards – a self-professed ‘armchair detective’ – bought a shawl purportedly belonging to Catherine Eddowes, one of the Ripper’s victims and had it analyzed by Dr. Jari Louhelainen. Using the latest forensics technology, he was able to extract DNA from the shawl and match it with the victim’s as well as Kosminski’s descendants with a hundred percent score. Conclusively, Edwards states that the overwhelming DNA evidence shows that Kosminski aka Jack The Ripper was neither eminent nor mysterious. just a ‘pathetic creature’ who brutally killed women to achieve sexual satisfaction.