Access Your Files And Programs Anywhere With Windows Professional

2014-09-07 1

The thing with being young, poor, and happy all the same is that it only works when you have nothing to lose. Once you're older and have to provide for a family, secure against medical bills / retirement expenses / emergencies, etc., I don't think it's really possible to have jack for money and still feel like "yeah, this is okay - I'm happy".

At least, I could never do that.
[] On the plus side if you ever vacation at Disney World the prices seem reasonable.
[] Maybe they thought pollo was an Italian chicken? And they wanted an American one? Which also doesn't make sense.
[] I'm a guy also and completely agree.
[] My deck better be clean when I get back!
[] Luxury cars, jet engines, cheap cars, Oil, nuclear reactors, pharmaceuticals, jewellery, £1.5Billion in TV shows, chemicals, iron, steal, food, electronic appliances, drinks, cosmetics, tractors, lorries, as well as various other things.

We're only the 22nd biggest country by population, yet are the 11th largest manufacturing country, and have the 5th highest GDP. On top of London being the top financial centre in the world. (Measured by GFCI)
[] It's almost like you can't pick and choose who to fire for gross misconduct!
[] That I'm now 5 foot 8 inches and have a girlfriend
[] Power Rangers
[] Servers might actually make minimum wage when you triple their hourly wage
[] Customer: Do you have any wireless cables?

Me: ... Blank Stare
[] It's outside a laneway with a magic place there. They do shows and stuff and he's looking for an assistant. The magician is the pigeon.
[] Still rich, in shape, bla bla
[] I don't understand how that could possibly be legal.
[] Would have been maybe 5-6 years ago.
7th grade

and already thinkng how to use people, is he in pharma business now?
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[] Stick smokes in it.
[] I am not registered for any party. My wife isn't either. We get a TON of mail for elections. Since we are the independents they all go after.
[] Like I said, this stuff is old.

They've trialed it in the middle east before Poland and before that for high value customers in the EU & the UK, each time it fails because the card costs a lot compared to the static CVV code on a plastic card and only diverts fraud into other channels rather than reducing it.

I do this stuff for a living.
[] You act as if I'm arguing with you. Just proving information friend but hey you do you boo boo
[] When I was working valet at a hotel I had an elderly patron pull up in a brand new Mercedes E350 and immediately ask me "Do you know how to drive one of these?" I thought it was at least manual when she asked but nope I replied "what? An automatic?"
"No. A Mercedes."
immediate face palm
"Ma'am if it has 4 wheels, and engine, and a steering wheel, I can drive it."
Idk why but to this day it still bothers me...
[] vMr.B, it made playing Bioshock feel very .. Odd
[] Your username said enough...